People are using Microsoft Songsmith to remake music videos.
What is Microsoft Songsmith? Here is a commercial for it.
Sprinkle Brigade looks like a blog I need to add to my list. I love sprinkles on my donuts, but not on dog poo.
I will forgive him for the recent not so funny Oscars. It was probably more Hugh Jackman, not being good at comedy. It also could have been Sean Penn sucking the comedy out of the place. He is probably still upset about not getting his gmail account.
Ricky just needs to work with Bowie again.
I just had to put a link to this Squirrel Memorial from
Somebody put up a road side squirrel memorial, but is does not have a lot info. It looks the everybody it trying to figure out what the story is. Some of the commentors found the actual location on google streetview.
I will have to check back to see if they figure out more about this memorial.
Day 1 of using the new BB curve 8900, and so far very cool. I just wish they did not change the usb port on it. It is not like it is any smaller, or more durable. It actually looks like it might be easier to break.
The only other real issue, is finding things that work for the 8900. It is still so new, that a few programs don’t work with it.
I wanted to trim down a video tonight, so I could post it to the web. The video was over an hour long, and I only need about 10 minutes of it. I am still using my Windows 7 Laptop, and it already had the beta version of Movie Maker. It is probably time for me find another basic editing program.
The trim function only works clicking on a slider and moving it. The control is very imprecise. I think I could get no closer than 14 seconds to any clip point. Back in college we used editing decks that would sometimes slip a few frames when making an edit. That would be less than a second, and that could ruin your project. 14 seconds is ridiculous.